Hello Scholar!


On this page you’ll find updates about your scholarship, things you need to know or action.

If you have any questions, then just let us know. Also, we always welcome any constructive feedback on how we can improve the service UKESF provides.

Please use the following email address to get in touch [email protected]

Bank Details

Please send us an email with your bank details (name, sort code and account number). Where possible, please supply a UK bank account. We need this information to pay your bursary to you. We expect to pay the bursaries by May, but this is dependent on us receiving the money from your sponsoring company. Email confirmation will be sent to you once the bursary has been paid.


A copy of the signed terms and conditions document that you returned to us has been forwarded to your sponsoring company. If they haven’t contacted you already, they will be in touch over the next few weeks to confirm the exact dates for your first placement, and to send any paperwork necessary from their end.


We will contact you soon to provide you with contact details for your UKESF buddy (another UKESF Scholar who is still at university, or who has now graduated). We will make the initial introduction and leave you to communicate with them as much or as little as you want throughout the year. Where possible, we will pair you with a buddy at your university, who works for the same sponsor company as you, or one who lives fairly close to your home location.

Outreach opportunities

During your time as a UKESF Scholar, we ask you to complete some outreach to promote Electronics. Often your sponsoring company will offer you opportunities to get involved with outreach activities, during your work placement. Please click here for more information Scholar Outreach – UKESF. In addition to this, we may contact you from time to time with outreach opportunities that UKESF are involved with or have been notified about.

UKESF’s Easyfundraising account

The UKESF is an educational charity and relies on funding to increase awareness of Electronics among schoolchildren and provide practical Electronics activities. We’re registered with Easyfundraising, which means you can support us at no cost to yourself – simply by shopping online. Please sign up and select the UKESF as your cause. Find out more here Easyfundraising – UKESF

#TurnOnToElectronics initiative

In 2018 the UKESF launched its #TurnOnToElectronics initiative, fronted by Gadget Show presenter Georgie Barrat. In the face of an increasingly large skills shortage, the campaign aims to create a buzz around the UK Electronics industry with the end goal of encouraging more young people into pursuing careers in this exciting sector.  Find out more www.turnontoelectronics.org

Social Media


Join us on social media!

LinkedIn – UK Electronics Skills Foundation (UKESF)

X (formerly Twitter) – @theUKESF

Facebook – UKESF

Instagram – @ukesf

If you’re on social media, it would be brilliant to see posts about your Scholarship journey (placements, outreach activities, any events you attend).

Don’t forget to @tag us!