Our emphasis is on quality of service, innovation, flexibility and a creative approach to problem solving SEA
Our Scholarships
Placement Location
Barnstaple, Beckington or Bristol
Type of Placements Offered
• Summer placements • 12-month placements • 6-month MEng placements
(1) Must have a minimum of 5 years permanent residency in UK and be able to obtain security clearance; (2) Longer placements offered provisionally dependant on business needs
2024/25 Scholarships
We are not offering any new scholarships this year
Who we are and what we do

SEA, founded in 1969, provides engineering and software design services to Government agencies, industrial prime contractors and academia. We employ high-calibre staff and place our emphasis on quality of service, innovation, flexibility and a creative approach to problem solving.
SEA has four sites across the UK; each site is unique and hosts different capabilities as follows:
- Maritime Defence operates from Barnstaple;
- Maritime Communications operate from Beckington;
- Engineering & Production facilities are based in Barnstaple;
- Research and Technical Advice teams operate from Beckington;
- Transport & Simulation teams are located in Bristol;
- SEA also has offices in Malaysia, Canada and a training and simulation demonstration facility in Australia.
What you could be doing during your work placement
A work placement at Systems Engineering & Assessment Ltd could include:
- Introduction to the design of electronics circuits and systems in industry;
- Use of modern electronic design tools for schematic capture and PCB design;
- Integration and test of electronics and electronic systems;
- Interfacing with other engineering disciplines such as mechanical, software and production.
Meet one of our scholars

Name: Matthew
Sponsor: SEA
University: University of Surrey
Degree Course: MEng Electronic Engineering with Space Systems
What appeals to you about Electronics?
The topic of electronics covers a vast variety of fields, sectors and topics meaning there are so many opportunities that are available to everyone of all interests and backgrounds. Even after specialising there is the option to have a more technical role or pursue a more managerial business role. All of which rely on the same fundamental skills that are obtained in the early years of studying and partaking in electronics. It’s easy to see why it’s the best engineering discipline!
Why did you choose SEA?
SEA has capabilities in maritime defence, which is something that has always interested me. The products they make for anti-submarine warfare is cutting edge technology and industry leading. This line of work is where I see myself in the future. Additionally, from my past placements, I have learnt how important a great company culture is to me and when I met those who interviewed me it was clear this was at the core of SEA’s values.
Tell us about your work and responsibilities
Large amounts of the placement were spent building upon my debugging and problem-solving skills. These were applied to test setups or electronic circuit/subsystem in the engineering labs. Having so much hands-on experience with a variety of electronics and equipment has really helped me to further develop and build upon these skills. Another great part about the placement was the balance between independent working and being embedded within a multidisciplinary team. I had the opportunity to explore my own ideas but also find support and guidance from a team which is full of extremely knowledgeable and passionate engineers willing to offer their help.
What interests you outside of work?
I love being active and social which is why I enjoy playing football and golf. Trying new things is also something I enjoy, so I made it my mission to attempt surfing for the first time whilst at Devon (turns out I’m not very good though!)