“I would highly recommend the workshop to everyone, lots of new skills were learned and will be implemented in my professional career.”
UKESF Scholar
One of the most important aspects of the UKESF’s award winning Scholarship Scheme is the annual residential Workshop. This year, we brought together scholars from 20 different universities who had completed work placements at 35 different employers during the summer. The four-day residential course, held at the University of York, was once again packed with engaging presentations from expert speakers, interactive activities and lively discussion with like-minded peers. The programme focuses on supporting the students’ professional and personal development ahead of completing their studies.
“Completely surpassed my expectations, so many great talks, activities and exercises.”
“Thank you so much for the week, really motivating and inspirational.”
“I would highly recommend the workshop to everyone, lots of new skills were learned and will be implemented in my professional career.”
All of the participants rated the Workshop ‘good’ or excellent’ and they particularly valued the sessions on Utilising Professional Networks & CV Advice, Effective Negotiation, Managing Your Digital Footprint and Communication Skills. Participants also had the opportunity to hear from three former UKESF Scholars in a panel session, where they shared their experiences as graduate engineers and answered questions from the audience.
Stew Edmondson, CEO of the UKESF, said, “It’s been a real pleasure and genuine privilege to spend this week with our latest cohort of UKESF Scholars. They are amazing young people, who will make fantastic engineers. They are the future of Electronic Engineering in the UK.”

Throughout the four days, participants benefitted from the chance to socialise, get to know one another, and attend a formal dinner together on the final evening.
If you’re an undergraduate student, apply to become a UKESF Scholar here.
If you’re an employer and would like to find out how your company can benefit from connecting with a UKESF Scholar, get in touch by email at [email protected].