Welcome to your Scholars’ Hub! This is where we will share information to help you get the most out of your UKESF Scholarship, including details of how to apply for our prestigious Scholar of the Year Award, tips for your work placement, and much more.

We encourage you to check back regularly to stay up to date with the latest information about your Scholarship.

Top tips for your work placement

Employers tend to treat work placements as an extended period to evaluate undergraduates in order to judge their suitability for graduate employment. We know that around 60% of UKESF Scholars are offered permanent positions with their sponsors upon graduation, following successful work placements. So how should you prepare for your work placement and impress your sponsor; what are the top tips for success?

1. Network. Make connections with as many colleagues as possible in the first few days of your work placement.

2. Ask. Don’t be afraid to ask questions; whether you’re clarifying something you’ve been asked to do or you don’t know the meaning of a particular abbreviation, asking a question shows that you care and ensures no time is wasted due to misunderstandings.

3. Take an Interest. Jump in to anything that gets offered to you; whether a new project given to you by your supervisor or a social event to get to know your department, employers like enthusiasm and immersing yourself is a way of getting noticed.

4. Prepare. Update your LinkedIn profile. Prepare before meetings in order to get the most out of them and plan any questions you want to ask. Also, be prepared to offer an opinion, if asked.

5. Take Notes. Carry a notebook at all times: make notes of important or interesting information, maintain a to-do list and keep a record of what you’ve achieved.

6. Socialise. Check if there are any organised social activities at lunchtime or after work; socialising with colleagues will make you feel more comfortable and confident, both in your new place of work and potentially a new city.

7. Reflect. Be honest about your performance, your strengths and the ways you could improve, and take advantage of the insights other people can bring to your work.

Remember to have a good time and get involved in as much as possible to make the most of your placement!

Communicating with the UKESF and your sponsor company

The UKESF team are here to help with any queries you might have throughout your Scholarship. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about your bursary, changes to your degree or disruption to your studies, mentoring or your annual report.

There might be occasions where your query is best answered by your employer. These include questions about your salary, placement dates and location, contract questions or issues and work placement structure.


If you’re not sure who to reach out to, drop us a line on [email protected] and we will do our best to point you in the right direction!

Keeping in Touch

As a member of our Scholar community, we want to make sure you have opportunities to keep in touch with us and with each other throughout your Scholarship, and beyond.

Past events have included:

  • Webinar: Professional Registration
  • Webinar: Design Verification (watch video here)
  • Networking events coordinated by one of our Scholars and supported by UKESF

Forthcoming events include:

  • UKESF Scholars’ Event at Verification Futures 2025, 1 July, Reading. This event is for graduating Scholars that attended the UKESF Scholars Professional Development Workshop in August 2024.  

If you’re interested in organising a networking event for current and graduated scholars in your area, get in touch with us at [email protected].
