“Multiple opportunities to network with both companies and other female engineers, which was both informative and empowering, and many of these I now happily call my friends.”
UKESF Scholar Megan
For the fourth year in a row, the UKESF supported the final-year female Scholars to attend the annual Women’s Engineering Society (WES) Student Conference with all-expenses-paid places. Attendance was kindly sponsored by Enigma, a recruitment company that specialises in the UK technology sector.
The University of Warwick hosted the annual conference, taking place from 8th to 9th November and bringing together students, academics and young engineers.
Megan Goodsell (University of Southampton/Sky) wrote on her LinkedIn blog, “This weekend I had the fantastic opportunity to attend the Women’s Engineering Society conference 2019 through my UKESF Scholarship. The theme this year was ‘Transform the Future’, which after the panel sessions we attended I feel even more inspired to do exactly that. Over the course of two days we had various inspiring speakers, panel discussions with the WES YMB and professionals in the industry and CPD workshops, of which the leadership one was a particular highlight for me, making me more determined to achieve the very best. Multiple opportunities to network (including at a formal dinner) with both companies and other female engineers, which was both informative and empowering, and many of these I now happily call my friends.”

UKESF Scholar Megan Goodsell (left)
The Scholars who attended had a brilliant time and are sharing their thoughts with Enigma in a series of interviews about the event, their experiences in the Electronics industry and what excites them about the future of technology.
First up was Agnes Nagy (University of Nottingham/vivaMOS, now acquired by Nordson): “Most people consider electronics as just a magic black box, they accept it works, and they expect it to work and I could never do that. I wanted to know why they work and how they worked, and I just wanted to do my own project … Personally, I’m looking to go into medical electronics, which has huge potential right now. So hopefully, with the help of that, I will be able to help people directly.” Full her full interview here.
The second interview was with Megan Goodsell (University of Southampton/Sky): “I get annoyed by the fact that there aren’t many women in it [Engineering], and I want to prove the point that there’s no reason we can’t do it. There’s also the stigma that it’s a guy’s job; I completely disagree with that! … it was very nice to see other female students who have the same interests as me, and we can relate to each other because we know what it’s like being in a room of all guys.” Read her full interview here.
Watch this space for more interviews!