The UKESF has pledged its support for Tomorrow’s Engineers Code.

Launched in October 2020, the Code is a commitment to work toward common goals to increase the diversity and number of young people entering engineering careers. To achieve these goals, signatories, including the UKESF, have made pledges about their approach to funding, designing, delivering, and learning from engineering-inspiration activities, including STEM programmes dedicated to inspiring young people into engineering.
Engineering is a varied, stimulating and valuable career and we need to work harder than ever to ensure that it is accessible for this generation of young people – for their own life chances and so that we have a diverse and insightful workforce that enables the UK to thrive.
Being collaborative is one of the core values of the UKESF; therefore, we understand that a more joined-up approach and working collectively will be beneficial to help young people understand what engineering is, how to get into it, and be motivated and able to access the educational and training opportunities on the way.
To find out more, visit the Tomorrow’s Engineers website and follow on Facebook and Twitter.