Explore these online learning courses to expand your Electronics knowledge. The courses are offered by the UKESF or a partner organisation.
UKESF Courses
An Introduction to Electronic Engineering *FREE*
Electronics are fundamental to modern life and they can be found in many of today’s cutting-edge consumer products. Explore this technology in context to get ready for further study and a career in the electronics sector.
This free course is designed for pupils aged 15-18 who are considering studying Electronics and Engineering at either university or college.
Partner Courses
Arm Education: Introduction to Microprocessors
An introductory course from Arm Education covering computer architecture, microprocessors and CPUs. Become familiar with the basic components of a PC, what they do, how they communicate, and how object code is transformed into machine code.
This course provides a solid foundation for anyone interested in software programming and those keen on learning computer hardware engineering.
Foundations of Radio Frequency Engineering
This course is designed to introduce the fundamental concepts of RF engineering, covering essential topics such as transmission lines, matching networks, and RF amplifier design.
If you’re a university student, this course will offer a comprehensive, interactive learning experience to help you master the principles and applications of RF engineering.
Foundations of Electric Circuits
Designed for secondary school students, this course is aligned with that of many typical first-year modules taught on Electrical and Electronic Engineering degree programmes. It introduces the most fundamental circuit elements (voltage and current sources, resistors, capacitors and inductors) and their models, and illustrates the techniques employed to analyse linear circuits.
SEMI University
The UKESF is collaborating with SEMI University to give undergraduates the opportunity to gain discounted access to a number of relevant courses, which will enrich their studies and prepare them for a career in the semiconductor industry.
The online learning platform will provide a 20% discount exclusively to undergraduate and taught-postgraduate students studying at one of the UKESF’s 29 partner universities.
The discount is available on the following courses:
- SEMI102 Artificial Intelligence for Thin Film Manufacturing
- SEMI103 Hybrid Integration Techniques for Flexible Electronics
- SEMI105 AI-Enhanced Microfabrication of Printed Electronics
- SEMI106 Flexible Hybrid Electronics 2.0 based on FanOut Wafer Packaging
- SEMI107 Printing, Curing and Characterization Methods for Printable Conductors
- SEMI109 Next Generation of Printed Electronics
- Introduction to the World of Semiconductors
- Flexible & Printed Electronics Bundle
- Semiconductor Curriculum
- Semitracks Subscription
To receive the discount code, please drop us a line at [email protected].