An exciting new programme for primary schools. The UKESF will be delivering workshops – in the classroom – to explain the basics of Electronics circuits, giving children the hands on opportunity to build a circuit with ‘snap circuits’ to control an LED using a light control sensor.
Primary Electronics is for children aged 9-11, in years 5 & 6 (or years 6 & 7 in Scotland).
Evidence shows that there is a significant decrease in interest and aspirations in STEM between the age of 10 and 13, particularly for females (ASPIRES, Kings College). The UKESF Primary Electronics programme aims to strengthen children’s interest in STEM.
These activities allow experimentation alongside the development of critical thinking and teamworking capabilities. We hope children, who have participated in the workshop, will feel more enthused about Electronics; have a knowledge of how simple electronics circuits work; and have a greater understanding of the importance of Electronics in their every day lives.
If you’re interested in a Primary Electronics workshop visiting your school, please let us know.
With support from