If you’re a teacher or education professional in a school, Sparking STEM Futures includes:
Access to our teaching resources and support:
- Music Mixer Circuit Board for A level Physics
- Logic & Arithmetic Kit for A level Computer Science
- Arduino (microcontroller) kit for GCSE physics, computer science or design technology
Wrap around support for teachers of GCSE Design and Technology:
If you’re a teacher of GCSE Design and Technology, we’re keen to hear from you about how we can support your teaching and the students undertaking Engineering Design pathway at GCSE. We encourage you to get in touch at [email protected].
Events for you and your pupils:
- Girls into Electronics, Swansea University, 26 June – sign up here
- What are Semiconductors? Date tbc, get in touch to register your interest
- Careers Forum, Autumn 2025, get in touch to register your interest